Allegheny Chapter

The Allegheny Chapter of the BMW Car Club

PVGP Announcement – BMW CCA Shatters Record!!

Dear BMW  CCA – Allegheny Chapter Members,

Last night I had the distinct pleasure to attend the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, Victory Celebration, along with the Chapter leadership team and the National leadership representatives. In addition to honoring all of the 2018 event volunteers and ambassadors, the final value of cash raised by our Chapter was announced.  The previous record of $75,222, was set in 2013 by the Mustang marque. Certainly this was a large amount and a substantial hurdle for our Chapter.

I am proud to announce that we shattered the past record with a final tally of $126,497.  This could not have been reached without the vision of Jeff Taylor and Brett Sutton, who had the idea to combine the BMW Oktoberfest and the PVGP, the volunteers who tirelessly spent countless time planning and executing and all of the members who attended the events.  We also owe a thank you to all of the sponsors who help make the PVGP a “must attend” event for our Chapter and the other chapters from around the country who attended.  A special thank you to Bobby Rahal BMW, who contributed two Indianapolis 500 weekends, along with considerable support thought the event.

Of course we can’t rest on our laurels.  We will soon begin planning for the 2019 PVGP and are counting on all of you to help make next year another memorable experience.

Best regards,

Gary Sefcik, President

BMW CCA – Allegheny Chapter