Allegheny Chapter

The Allegheny Chapter of the BMW Car Club

It’s 2020 Election Time!

It is election time. As in the past we will use the same format for nominations and acceptance of that nomination.  

The nomination period will be from October 29th until November 29th.   If a nomination is received after 11/29/19 it will NOT be accepted.  

If you wish to nominate someone – please follow the instructions below:

1. An email will need to be sent from you to the person that you are nominating and to the election secretary at
2. If the person is willing to accept the nomination they will need to REPLY TO ALL on the email so that the election secretary is notified that the nomination has been accepted.
Once the nomination period is over the election secretary will create the list of nominees for each position and a ballot will be sent out to all members (primary and associate) to cast their votes.

The positions that are open for nomination are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Member at Large 1
  • Member at Large 2
  • Social Director

The winners of the elections will be announced at the Annual meeting.   

If you have an associate member in your household – please forward them this notice – since they are more than welcome to nominate someone for one of the positions listed above.  

Thank you.