Allegheny Chapter

The Allegheny Chapter of the BMW Car Club


Joining the national BMW Car Club of America gets you a membership in your local chapter.

Our Allegheny Chapter, based in Western Pennsylvania, currently has nearly 900 members. We gather once or twice per month for a variety of fun events. 

The BMW Car Club of America is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1969. It is the largest association of BMW owners in the world.

The Allegheny Chapter is one of 67 chapters nationwide and is here to provide you with the opportunity to enjoy your BMW with other like-minded individuals. We are enthusiastic about BMW cars, vintage or current, including the MINI.

Come to an event to see what we are all about!

Allegheny Chapter Board Members

Chapter President: Eric Zagrocki – [email protected]

Vice President: Christopher Williams – [email protected]

Treasurer: Michael Meehan – [email protected]

Secretary: Dante Bongiorni – [email protected]

Member at Large: Greg Calvimontes – [email protected]

Member at Large 2: Chris Wadsworth – [email protected]

Club Race Coordinator: Greg Calvimontes[email protected]

Street Survival Coordinator: Kent Beaver [email protected]

Social Director: Béla Pater [email protected]

Driving Coordinator: Christopher Williams – [email protected]

Membership Coordinator: Béla Pater – [email protected]

Webmaster & Communication Coordinator:  Dante Bongiorni – [email protected]

Webteam: Dante Bongiorni, Chris Wadsworth, Michael Meehan

President, BMWCCA: Eddy Funahashi

VP, North Atlantic Region: Larry Engel

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The Fine Print

This website is the sole property of the Allegheny Chapter BMW CCA Incorporated, a Pennsylvania corporation. It is published to inform and entertain the members of Allegheny Chapter BMW CCA and anyone else with an interest in automobiles. The ideas, opinions, and suggestions expressed on this site are those of the authors and no authentication is implied by the editor. Permission is granted for other BMW CCA chapters, members of the International Verband der BMW Clubs, and other clubs to copy or otherwise use any part of this publication provided that credit is given to the source.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 27114, Pittsburgh, PA 15235

Click Here to View Chapter By-Laws