Allegheny Chapter

The Allegheny Chapter of the BMW Car Club

OktoberFAST 2015

Yes, we ARE having it in VT!!

Friday, October 9th & Saturday the 10th please plan to join us at the beautiful Basin Harbor Club, in Vergennes, VT  ( for our annual celebration of BMW.

Festivities start on Friday evening, with an informal Meet & Greet from 6:00 -9:00pm in the Ranger Room at Basin Harbor Club.  A cash bar and very light snacks will be provided.  There are two restaurants on site, and dinner reservations should be made if you’re interested in dining on site that evening.

Saturday we’ll open the “gates” at 8:00am, at the field across from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (  We welcome all eras of BMW to join us, along with our MINI “cousins”.  The show & shine event is open to all BMWs, not just club members’ cars.  We extend a welcome to all German marquees that weekend — BMW, Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, MINI.  There will be a peoples’ choice contest for each marque.  We will have goody bags for the first 50 registrants.  Bring your checkbook and bid on fun items at our silent auction, with proceeds to benefit a local food bank.

Registration is $20 per vehicle.  For the first time, we are going to be collecting registrations through at this link .  This should make it easier for everyone, especially our Canadian friends.

Just a couple of important details:

This is Columbus Day weekend, a very popular time for people to travel to Vermont!  Basin Harbor Club has a block of 10 rooms for any O’FAST attendees at a special rate. This is a resort facility, and our special rates range from $272-$445 per night, depending on the room type (Historic Guest Room, Studio Suite/Cottage or One Bedroom Suite/Cottage).  Some of the cottages are pet-friendly.  A fantastic breakfast buffet is included each morning, as well as several other amenities.

We had also reserved a block of 5 rooms at the Marriott Courtyard in Middlebury, VT which has expired. But as of Sunday October 4, 2015 they still had some rooms with a room rate of $195 + tax.  Breakfast is not included in the rate. You must call the hotel directly (802)388-7600 or (800)388-7775 and tell them you are with the BMW Car Club or ask for AAA Rate or if you qualify ask for the senior rate. Their website address is…/btvcy-courtyardmiddlebury/ .

Finally, the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum has offered a discounted rate for any of our attendees that wish to tour their lovely facility.  Just tell them you’re with the BMW group, and they’ll discount your admission fee.

– See more at: