Well, most of the people I know are finished celebrating the holidays, back to work, and thinking about the next holiday to celebrate, except the Allegheny Chapter . We extended the holiday season just a little further to January 17th — The annual post-holiday party. A big thanks goes to Tom and BJ Wettach for opening their beautiful home to the club members and guests! What a great party we had. There where so many food and dessert choices you couldn’t possibly try everything unless you where willing to deal with stomach issues later. And the drink selection was just the same. A few club members were recognized for donating their precious time to help keep the club the wonderful organization that it is. Another big thanks goes to A&L Motors and Sewickley BMW for their generosity donating all of the great door prizes.
We had quite a turnout every room had members socializing, eating ,drinking and just enjoying themselves. My favorite place to be was the garage right next to the lift loaded with, you guessed it, BMWs.
So if you want to celebrate the holidays one more time even after the rest of the world has gone back to the same old grind then the Allegheny Chapter is the place to be. Happy New Year !!!
— Charles Rice