It’s that time of year again! Time for the Joint Chapter Fall Leaves Tour and Picnic. Please find the appropriate info below for this years event. We ask you to bring a side dish, salad, dessert or appetizer; whatever you wish to share.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Time & Meeting Location:
10:00 a.m. – 10:29 a.m.
Wendy’s in Great Southern Shopping Center parking lot, Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA. Use the old Heidelberg/Kirwan Heights Exit and go South.
BMW caravan leaves at 10:30 a.m
Watters Smith State Park, Clarksburg, WV
For the free spirits & those traveling solo, take: I 79 South, I 70 East,
I 79 South, Exit #110 – Lost Creek. At the first stop sign at the only major
intersection in one of America’s quaintest towns, make a right, follow this curvy road 4 miles and after the bridge make a left onto Duck Creek Road, then two miles to the park entrance, and take the second left (PAVED road) to arrive at the Lodge (Activities Building).
Arrival at the Park:
Approximately 12:30 p.m. Driving time – 2 hours
There will be one restroom break at first rest stop in West Virginia.
NONE, except for the price of a tank of gasoline. Just register at Motorsportreg.com for the event.